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January 17, 2021

Our International Family is Coming to Our Aid

On Friday night/Saturday morning at 2AM, Holy Spirit descended with great intensity on a prayer call I was leading. We were experiencing very strong prayer and intercession for the President and his legal team. As that wound down, one brother on the call reiterated the fact that this election battle is not just regarding America, a truth we have referenced numerous times here on Give Him15, but about the nations. We have emphatically said we realize God does not love America more than any other nation or people. We’ve clearly stated that His passion to see America restored and led by a government that does not oppose Him, is directly linked to His love for people in all nations.

As we also state regularly, America’s assignment is to trumpet the gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the earth. That has never changed. Just as Abraham was blessed to be a blessing, America is, as well. We are part of God’s plan to redeem the planet. Abraham’s lineage gave us the Messiah, who redeemed us back to God; America’s calling is to announce the gospel, the good news, of what Messiah accomplished. This nation and its calling are despised by hell, just as is Israel’s. It is also hated by those aligned with hell, those who oppose God and His Son. They will lose. God is determined to restore and reestablish America as this resounding voice of His kingdom, and no force will stop that.

Interestingly, and this was also pointed out on our call, this spiritual war of prayer we find ourselves in is not just about the nations, it is a spiritual war also being waged by the nations. I know for certain that 24/7 prayer is currently taking place around the world for America. I also know this post is used as part of the daily prayers among those people. I was also recently informed that a Chinese pastor in America translates the Give Him 15 posts into Chinese daily, and he estimates that at least 10 million Chinese see it every day and we know many of them are praying.

The nations of the earth “get it.” They understand. Believers, and even many unbelievers, realize our struggle is not about a man or a political party. They know it is for the soul of a nation, and that it plays a critical role in this hour of history for the worldwide purposes of God. He must have a free America and one whose government does not oppose him. He must have an America whose church is not silenced, and it must be a nation that prospers. Many around the world understand fully that we are all connected in this great cause.

The brother on Friday night’s prayer call reminded me of a prophetic word I gave Asia on my last trip to Korea. I saw the Korean Peninsula as a wind tunnel. And I saw the wind of God begin to blow into it, starting in the South and continuing with great intensity to the North. I then saw this wind of the Spirit continue from Korea into all of China, and then all of Asia. It was a rushing, mighty wind bringing an unstoppable revival into all of Asia, then the Middle East. As we spoke of this on the call, Holy Spirit began to hover and His presence became very strong to each of us. I walked to my bookcase and picked up the Chinese version of my book, Intercessory Prayer. This book is a gift to my Chinese brothers and sisters. Neither I nor this ministry, has ever received a penny for it. As I held it to my chest and began to weep, I could feel the passion of God for the Chinese people, and all of Asia. His love for them was overwhelming. “I promise you, Asia, He is coming to you!”

We thank you brothers and sisters around the world, for standing with us, for agreeing in prayer with us. We are one in Him. We are part of one holy nation, the church of Jesus Christ. We have one King and one Father; and we are one bride, one army of believers, and one ekklesia. Together we lay hold of the purposes of God, and for this great coming revival. We push back and bind the plans of hell that want to stop it, and boldly declare that they will not succeed. Holy Spirit will prevail, the Son of God will win. King Jesus has already overcome and we will see the fruit of His victory on the earth.

“I will announce the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have fathered you. Ask it of Me, and I will certainly give the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your possession.’” (Psalm 2:7-8 NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Give thanks to the Lord for our spiritual brothers and sisters around the world who are standing with America.

  • Pray for their protection and success as they serve the cause of Christ.

  • Ask God to send a mighty worldwide revival that brings a billion souls into His family.

  • Pray for President Trump and for breakthrough for him at this late hour. But also decree your faith that nothing will stop what God has determined for America, and nothing will stop the Great Awakening that is coming.

  • Decree that all evil in our land is being exposed and brought down by God. Decree that Jezebel will not rule America.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, we thank you for our precious brothers and sisters around the world. You have made us one. We bless them. We honor them. We thank you for their heart toward us. We pray for those who are persecuted for their faith, that You would grace them for their journey and that they would one day be delivered from this evil. And also we ask you to reward them greatly for their faithfulness.

We pray for the great revival we know is coming to Asia. We ask you to bring the wind of your Spirit into Korea, reviving the South and delivering the North. Reunite them. Save millions. And Lord, we ask for this wind to go from there up into China and all of Asia. Release miracles, dreams and visions - signs and wonders - that will be used to awaken that part of the world to the love of Christ. Then send this mighty outpouring into the Middle East. Send these nations the greatest revival in history.

And Lord we pray for America, that we too will experience the greatest revival in our history. Awaken us to who You are, and who You have called us to be. Restore our foundations. Return us to the Ancient Markers and the Old Road. Come to our schools, our inner cities, our homes, and our government. Cause signs and wonders to begin to take place and help us. We thank You for the angels that are helping us. And we thank You for our precious Holy Spirit who helps us. We know, Father, You are coming to this nation and we are confident in Your plan. We ask and declare these things in Christ’s name. Amen.


We decree that You are gathering people from every tribe and tongue and nation to be Yours!


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