Turnaround Worship
“Let the sounds of heaven be loosed through every believing musician, singer, and worshipper—everyone bringing a sound of worship. It will be a reverberating sound that will shake the heavens with a sound of glory. We will express our exaltation of Him with a shout, a song, a dance. It will not be just earth to heaven, but heaven will answer, meeting earth, such as we have never heard. If we lift up Jesus, He will draw all men to Himself. The turnaround season is about placing our trust completely in Him – government leaders, church leaders, business leaders, educators, entertainers, and intercessors. People’s lives will be touched and changed as we gather together to worship Him.” (Anonymous Intercessor)
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” (John 4:23; NIV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Call for the body of Christ to meet together, as priests of the Lord, to worship Him! He is worthy of our worship!
Call for God to keep the fire on the altar perpetually burning with the oil of worship that we lift up before Him.
Thank Him for fresh oil pouring over this nation in this season.
See the heavenly host join us in worship to our God!
Decree that the lost will be drawn to this pure, holy, glorious worship, all across this land.
A prayer you can pray:
We call for the priests of the Lord to come together. May the fire on the altar of this nation never go out. May we keep the fire burning. May fresh oil be continually pouring out. Let us each bring our worship gifts together in exaltation of our God. Let our worship rise up and let God and the heavenly hosts answer us in astonishing ways. Let each of us in our various walks of life worship Jesus in that place, lifting up His name. Reap a harvest through our worship, Lord! Amen.
Today’s decree:
I decree that this is the season for true worshippers to worship Jesus over our nation in Spirit and Truth!