Appeal to Heaven - It Still Works!
A contemporary Christian song by Leeland, “Way Maker” states, “You are Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness. My God, that is who You are. Even when I don’t see it, You’re working. Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working. You never stop, You never stop working. You never stop, You never stop working.” You can listen to it here.
As my friend, Tom Schleuter, put it, “God will make a way where there is no way! Man’s options may be gone, but not God’s.” The Bible has many stories of God’s surprise endings. There are many instances where it appeared there was no way out, but God had a plan and as it unfolded, it was perfect. I immediately think of the Israelites, led by Moses, traveling from Egypt to the Promised Land. They came to an impassable obstacle at the Red Sea and it looked like their newfound freedom was over. Not only could they not move forward, it appeared they would be annihilated. I’m sure they wondered, “Had God trapped them? Had God even led them there at all? Maybe it was Moses’ fault—just a man they had foolishly followed to this seemingly dead end.” But the Way Maker made a way. Can He do it again? Yes, He can.
Consider the following dream given to our friend Gina Gholston:
“I dreamed there were hundreds and hundreds of people assembled on the top of a very high place. (I knew they represented the intercessors) These intercessors were waving a flag and fervently worshipping God.
“The place where they were gathered was level and grassy, near the edge of a sheer cliff overlooking a valley. The valley below us was filled with many people who were mocking and taunting the intercessors. ‘Look at them. They are waving the white flag of surrender!’ they shouted. Undistracted, we intercessors kept waving the flag and fervently worshipping God!
“Then someone in the valley shouted to the intercessors, ‘Show us your flag! What’s on that flag? It’s the white flag of surrender!’ And the crowd around him laughed.
“Dutch Sheets replied, ‘Our flag is not for your eyes! Our flag is for Heaven’s eyes!’ Those of us among the intercessors all knew it was an Appeal to Heaven flag.
“The crowd below continued to mock saying, ‘And what’s that song you sing?’ We replied, ‘Our song is not for your ears! Our song is from our heart to God’s heart, and our prayers are for His ears alone!’ The intercessors were not deterred and did not relent in their fervent prayers and worship to God.
“Those in the valley huddled in small groups, plotting and scheming, but nothing they attempted worked. Again and again, they regrouped, making frenzied attempts to work their evil schemes; nothing they did worked. Realizing it was our actions interfering with their intentions, they became furious!
“They turned to look back up at the intercessors and mockingly yelled, ‘What’s that flag you’re waving? It’s the white flag of surrender!’
“Their mocking was an attempt to distract the intercessors, but it didn’t work! The intercessors just continued to worship and pray!
“This continued over and over.
“Undistracted, the intercessors kept waving the flag as they prayed and worshipped, and those in the valley continued to be hindered in their maneuvers. No matter how they grouped themselves or what they tried, nothing they attempted would work! The interference from the prayers of the intercessors stopped every plan from working!
“Suddenly, the intercessors stopped waving the flag and held it up by its four corners, revealing it fully to those in the valley. When they did, the mocking enemy fell over, seemingly dead. The intercessors stood reverently, with their faces set like a flint toward heaven. They had taken a stand!”
Encouraging confirmations such as this continue coming to us from Holy Spirit. We are thankful that the appeal “still works.” I am confident a great outpouring of Holy Spirit is coming to America and the nations of the earth. And I’m certain America will fulfill her role in this. No strategy of darkness will stop it. America shall be saved!
“When you arrive in your own land and go to war against your enemies who attack you, sound the alarm with the trumpets. Then the Lord your God will remember you and rescue you from your enemies. Blow the trumpets in times of gladness, too, sounding them at your annual festivals and at the beginning of each month. And blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and peace offerings. The trumpets will remind your God of his covenant with you. I am the Lord your God.” (Numbers 10:9-10 NLT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Undergird President Trump in prayer and pray for his protection.
Give thanks for what he has done for us as President. The Lord surely gave him to us.
Stir up your faith to believe the Lord will still remember His covenant with America and fulfill His purposes for her.
Declare to the evil and the dark powers that be, “You shall not detour nor destroy President Trump’s future or God’s plan to restore this country.”
Declare that the word of the Lord is going forth to the nation—calling the Ekklesia into spiritual battle, establishing God’s will.
Rejoice over God’s goodness to us and the fact that He will secure HIs covenant with America.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, we declare You are the Lord, our God, and we join You in standing against the enemy in our land. We align our decrees with Your words and Your will, knowing that You desire to save the United States of America.
We thank You, Lord, for the President’s perseverance - He stands fast and he stands strong. You are using him to oppose what the enemy has been doing in America. We declare that the arrows of the enemy will not penetrate Your protective covering over him and his family. Cause the fiery darts to fall away. Bring him through this with health, strength and victory.
We remain in agreement with what the prophets have prophesied—informing us of what You want to do. We thank you for everything You have done, as well as the great and mighty things You are about to do. We declare victory during this challenging season, boldly decreeing that America shall be saved. And we push back every plan and strategy of Satan - they will fail! We will not be distracted by the enemy’s taunting or actions, but will keep our eyes on You. You said hell’s gates won’t prevail against us. We believe this. We know You will give us complete victory. In Christ’s name we make our stand, and make these requests. Amen.
Today’s decree:
We decree that the appeal to heaven still works!
You can find more about Gina Gholston here.