Fear Not!
You will not fear. You will not waver. You will not be discouraged. You will move out of hope-deferred. You will now move out of unbelief and back into faith. You will not fear the violence in the land. You will be a fearless generation, bold as a lion! You will fear no giant, no principality, no government. You will have no fear at all!
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7; NKJV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
For faith to fully rise up in us, fear must be dealt with. Confess any fear to the Lord and ask for His forgiveness for your doubt and unbelief.
Ask the Lord to give you the faith that uproots demonic structures and establishes His purposes in the earth.
Make scriptural declarations to those situations facing you and causing you fear.
Declare the Word against national situations that are frightening to you.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, I admit to You that I am fearful of ______. Forgive my sin of doubt and unbelief. It shows that I don’t fully know or trust You. I know that You want to deliver me of this fear and cause me to be so confident of Your love for me that I become fearless! I know that You have answers and strategies for every single thing I’m facing that seems like it would overtake me. I know that national issues, like stock markets shaking, North Korea warning, weather threatening, are all things You can help us overcome. Fill my mouth, Lord! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Today’s decree:
God is making His people fearless now! Miraculously, we will be as bold as lions and do great exploits! Nothing can stand in our way!