A New Birthing of Justice
“The Lord then spoke to me again, ‘There will be mighty demonstrations of My Divine justice on the nation, like never before. The roar of My justice that is being released over the nation is not only breaking delay, but it is releasing Divine impartations of My justice into the land by My spoken Word. It is going to be carried in the nation and released into other nations by the decree of My people. Many words have been spoken in and over the nation that have decreed injustice. Where words have been used to release injustice, I am now decreeing that the United States of America shall be known as a nation of My justice, as My people continue to rise up, grab hold of what I am saying, and decree it. There’s a mighty birthing of My justice taking place and it will not be stopped. It will not be hindered. The roar of My justice is being released and the world will hear it. The sound of My justice being released will resound, as My people seek my heart, hear My voice, and align with My roar of justice. It is going to be mightily demonstrated. Then there shall be a tidal wave of My justice that will flow into and from this nation.’” (Lana Vawser)1
“Justice must flow like torrents of water, righteous actions like a stream that never dries up.” (Amos 5:24; NET)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
According to Webster’s dictionary, “justice” means, “the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments.” Think on that for a bit.
Identificationally repent for true injustices done in America.
Repent for this nation having ever inflicted or exported real or perceived injustice anywhere else in the world.
Ask God to prophetically give the Ekklesia a true justice movement that will override and even reverse the effects of the current social justice movement. Decree that God’s social justice movement is arising.
Say, “Where there have been gross injustices in the land, causing some to take up the causes of humanity’s own efforts, God’s Justice is going to right those wrongs.”
A prayer you can pray:
God, help me to understand what justice really is. I don’t want to know what the world says it is. I want to know what You say it is. What does true justice look like. You are a forgiving God. When we embrace Jesus Christ as our Savior, You deal with the injustices of our past and our present. You back the enemy off from causing injustices in our lives as we move forward. We trust You to work out all injustice we encounter. Forgive us for speaking injustice into the earth. We repent on behalf of the injustices that people in our society inflict on one another. We want the culture of the United States to truly be one of justice, mercy and mutual respect. The color of our skin and our hair and our eyes should never matter. Our current economic status should not determine the future You have planned for us. This nation should not treat any other nation or people group unjustly. Neither should we stand accused of injustice as a nation when we are following our nation’s laws. Lord, only You can correct all of this and show us what true justice is—Your justice. Give us a Jesus Justice movement. Amen.
Today’s decree:
“Let Justice roll like a mighty river across America and to many other nations!
1 Learn more about Lana Vawser here.