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December 24, 2017


The next twenty-four hours of most Americans’ lives will be expressed in numerous traditions celebrating Christmas. For most, there will be an acknowledgement that this is a celebration of Jesus’ birth. For some, it will only be a series of traditions. The Bible tells us that God commanded that some events be continuously celebrated, so His wonderful acts are remembered by His followers. Christians celebrate few of those today. Even though we love it very much, Christmas was not one of those commanded remembrances. In other cases, God rebukes the Israelites for “rote and form”, because it keeps people distant from relationship with Him. Here at GiveHim15 and Dutch Sheets Ministries, we pray that you have a memorable Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, celebrated with all the family traditions that make it precious to you and yours. And, remember to keep Jesus at the very center of all that you do! Merry Christmas!

““My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” (Luke 1:47-48; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Think about the various traditions you will participate in today and tomorrow. Can you see Jesus in them? Even playing games together as a family can be a celebration of Christ’s work in your hearts. Find Him there.

  2. Worship Jesus! Sing hymns and carols and glorify God in your heart.

  3. Pray for your family, friends, and neighbors. Intercede for members of the military far away. Pray for President Trump and his family, that they get much rest in their celebration time together.

  4. Include a single person or an elderly couple in your family time. Or, go and minister at a shelter or church outreach. Many are lonely and in need of Jesus and they feel it most at Christmas time.

A prayer you can pray:

Jesus, today and tomorrow I am celebrating You! Amidst everything there is to do and all of our holiday plans, I want You to be front and center. I will worship you, singing Christmas songs that so beautifully honor You. Hear my intercession for my family and friends (pray for them for a few minutes). Be with our military members who are far away from their families today. Let them know that you are close. Keep them safe. And, Jesus, give our President and his family a good day of much needed rest. Amen!

Today’s decree:

I decree that Jesus will be exalted in our Christmas traditions all across America this year!


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