Renewed Passion
I believe God is about to rekindle fire and passion in leaders where what they do is not just a job, not just the ministry. It’s something in them that says something like, “Give me Scotland or I die!” “Give me America or I die!” “Give me Oregon or I die!” Your city. Your state. Your people. What is it? I feel like God is saying, “I am willing to put something in you that is an unquenchable flame that will give you what you need to lay your life down for the cause of Christ where you are.”
“Jesus answered him, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39; GWT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Do you know what your passion is? Ask God to give you more.
Pray for that area of passion for a few minutes. Take your time.
Pray for your pastor/leader and ask God to give them more passion for Him and His cause.
Go out and pray over your community. Get a map or look one up online and pray for your state or this nation. Lay your hands on it and pray until you are passionate and on fire and desperate for God to move in that area.
A prayer you can pray:
Father, increase my passion for (name the areas you are burning to see God move in.) (Pray with passion for this area for a few minutes.) Lord, touch my pastor with your fire for You and Your cause. Give them the vision they need to be desperate to see You act on their prayers. Stir my heart to pray. Show me where to go to pray. As I pull up a map of the United States, lead my intercession for Jesus to be seen across the nation and for many to come to know Him! Move, Jesus, move in revival across this land!
Today’s decree:
Give me America or I die! (You can substitute your neighborhood, city or state here.)