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December 15, 2020

I invite you to join me each day as we pray for our nation until the election crisis has resolved. I’ll be reading the daily Give Him 15, making comments, and then we will pray together. You can join me here as we Appeal to Heaven for America.

The Lord Will Prevail in This Ongoing Battle

Tim Sheets says:

“The battle we are in may be much harder than we thought or hoped. It may be different in some ways than we thought it would be. We know in part and prophecy in part. However, heaven isn’t engaged to lose. The Godhead has engaged in many battles in the past. In the face of overwhelming odds, God has, in the past, anointed His people with supernatural power to overcome. (Rees Howells and his interceding students at the Bible College of Wales during WWII is a striking example. Read about that here.)

“Yes, delays happen and we don’t like delays! No, it isn’t easy, but since when has war ever been easy? Battles can be fierce. Major battles occur in both the natural and the spiritual realms and these battles must be won by committed warriors.

“It appears to me that God isn’t worried. Does that amaze you? Why, then, should we be worried? I am not sure how or when He is going to give us complete victory, but He is going to do so. I am convinced we will win. America will be saved! I am convinced that the greatest days in church history are in our future. I am convinced that awakening, reformation, and revival are going to come. I am thankful for the company of people God has brought together that do not give up. We just won’t give up. We will stand, and keep on standing until we experience what God says. I am convinced that the Word of the Lord will triumph over hell.

“We have just finished going to all of the states being contested in this election. We prayed for the revealing of a true vote count to determine a true outcome. We believe President Trump won this election by a landslide, but criminals came in to steal it. We prayed against voter fraud, corruption, and the media lies spinning out of control. It is beginning to come to light just how deep the Deep State is, and that there are both Republicans and Democrats involved in it. We see Deep State pollution even in our intelligence agencies. Most of us never thought this level of infiltration was even possible.

“As we traveled from state to state, we have been praying for the Will of the Lord in this nation. We have had hundreds of thousands viewing by livestream and praying with us. We have never seen anything like this before. We saw absolute miracles and angelic assistance helping us get the assignment accomplished. (The same was true with Operation Valkyrie. You can view the plan here and the recap here.) It was one of the few times we have seen a truly functioning Ekklesia. We forbade and permitted, locked and unlocked. We saw agreement from believers all across America, and even in other nations of the world. This level of a praying army has possibly never been assembled before. God’s people rose up from wherever they were to add their part. It was a work of the Holy Spirit. This is one of the main reasons I am so confident that something is about to turn. All of those Holy Spirit orchestrated prayers are not going to be wasted.”

“The Lord will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies.” (Isaiah 42:13 NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  • Call for the angel armies to be released in greater measure to help us in this battle.

  • Prophetically decree that every wicked conspiracy and diabolical plan against our president and our nation will be found out and brought to justice.

  • Call for an unraveling of coups and conspiracies.

  • Declare that wicked and evil power structures, even family dynasties, will be brought down by the Lord.

  • Decree “The Lord and His Church will prevail in this battle for America!”

A prayer you can pray (by Tim Sheets):

Father, release angels from Your heavenly armies to assist Your Ekklesia and unlock America. Let them swing the battering rams of heaven, energized by Your Word and the decrees released from the mouth of Your Ekklesia. Let the fortifications of hell be battered and broken now. Release Your explosive power against entrenched evil. We declare, “No longer will wicked conspiracies be swept under the rug! The Lord is pulling that corrupt rug out from under them. He will expose their diabolical plans to depose President Trump. That rug they tried to use to hide their activities will now become their burial shroud. He will write on the tombstone of their plans, ‘By My own finger, vanquished!’ Lord, bury their plans.”

Let the Ekklesia and Your angel armies explode on the strongholds of the enemy, uncovering and destroying them. Send shockwaves around the earth. Release Your sweeping change across this nation. Accelerate it. Release the call, “Let the thrones of iniquity fall!” Unravel every plan. Unravel the coup. Unravel every conspiracy. Unravel the diabolical dynasties, even generations of mammon structures that have been hidden. Expose the darkness.

Let the Ekklesia arise and shout. Show us that this is the day of the uncovering and unraveling. It is the day of opening what no man can shut and shutting what no man can open. The glory portals are opening. We are experiencing Your glory and Your might! Satanic plans are being overwhelmed. Your mighty rushing wind is blowing through the land propelled by Your Holy Spirit and His angel armies. All of the enemy’s plans are being blown away and we will see Your goodness in the land, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God is turning the battle and overruling the enemy. Satan’s cohorts will be destroyed in their own rebellion.

Learn more about Tim Sheets here.


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