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August 5, 2020

Strategy to Pray for the Supreme Court

[My friend, Ken Malone, and I have been in many battles for the nation over the years. Ken has received a dream calling us into fresh spiritual battle for the Supreme Court from August 8th to the 23rd.]

“I awakened on July 27, 2020 from a dream around 3:00am to the sound of a thunderstorm just off shore in the Atlantic Ocean. The thunder is a very significant sound for this dream.

“In the dream, my spiritual daughter, Tangi Combs, was working in the U.S. Supreme Court cafeteria. As she was being positioned on her job, Chief Justice John Roberts approached her and said, ‘Tell Ken Malone our positions are being overrun, I need his help.’ After Tangi relayed his word to me, I replied, ‘Damn the torpedoes! Tell him we’re coming.’

“It is very clear to me that the Lord is using this dream about John Roberts, Tangi, and myself as a Macedonian cry (Acts 16:9) to shore up the positions on the Supreme Court. It is of utmost importance that these positions are filled with godly, conservative justices.

“Demonic principalities, false ideologies, progressive liberal mindsets, communism, European law, and more, have overrun many of the positions on the bench. The conservative biblical ideologies of our founders are being overrun. However, God knows the Ekklesia of America can shift this court back into its proper position.

“The phrase, ‘Damn the torpedoes. Tell him we’re coming,’ was used by David Farragut who was a Rear Admiral of a fleet of ships that captured Mobile Bay out of the hands of the confederates. On August 5, 1864, he led two columns of ships into Mobile Bay. One ship, the U.S.S. Tecumseh, was hit by torpedoes, (underwater mines) and sank. The other ships began to pull back and Admiral Farragut issued a command, ‘Damn the torpedoes! Four bells. Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed.’

“After issuing the command, they continued forward in two columns, again hitting underwater mines, but none of the mines exploded. It was as if the decree from Farragut opened the way for victory. I’m confident God will also honor our decrees and prepare a way of victory for the Court.

“The Lord is calling us to war in prayer and worship over the Supreme Court. We must win this battle! Therefore, I’m asking for your help in laying siege against the enemy of the Court. From August 5th through the 23rd, I want to ask you to join me in fortifying the Supreme Court positions. Take communion each day. Ask the Lord to save the Court and remove those who will not change their anti-God agenda.”

“Though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-4; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Pray for each Justice. Pray for their salvation and Holy Spirit encounter. Their names: Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Stephen Breyer, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Samuel A. Alito, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Elena Kagan, and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

  2. Decree that each Justice will judge conservatively and in alignment with the Bible and the Constitution of the United State of America. Decree that Christ’s Kingdom has come and His will is being done in the U.S. Supreme Court even as it is in heaven.

  3. Ask the Lord to forgive us and the Court for the more than 61,000,000 aborted babies in America since 1973. Decree a removal of those who will not change and uphold the rights of the unborn.

  4. Ask the Lord to forgive us and the Court for removing prayer out of our schools.

  5. Declare, “Each seat is reserved for a pro-life, conservative constitutionalist, who believes in Christ.”

  6. Intercede for President Trump. His re-election could result in the appointing of two more conservative justices to the bench.

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, today we take up a prayer siege against the enemy of our nation and the enemy of our United States Supreme Court and its nine justices, Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Stephen Breyer, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Samuel A. Alito, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Elena Kagan, and Justice Brett Kavanaugh. We are coming in intercession and worship to bring the Kingdom of our Lord into the Supreme Court. We say, “Each seat is reserved for a pro-life, conservative constitutionalist, who believes in Christ.” We ask You to change out the seats where godly justice is not upheld.

The enemy has for too long controlled the activities of the Court and we say, “Enough is enough!” We have had enough of aborted babies. Over 61 million is heart-rending! We can’t take it anymore, Lord! Forgive us for allowing it this long! Forgive our nation for the continued bloodshed. We say, “No! It is going to stop now!” Freedom is going to begin! The Supreme Court may have removed You from our nation’s schools, but we say we want You there, Jesus. Let the Court reverse itself as we, the citizens of this land, make an outcry for You.

Give us Supreme Court Justices that will rule with righteousness and true biblical and constitutional justice. We will no longer accept arbitrary legislation from the bench, which often leans toward liberal, humanistic philosophies! Give us true justice, Judge of the Universe. We appeal to You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God’s mercy and goodness is upon the highest Court of our land! Learn more about Ken Malone here.


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