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August 30, 2022

Accept the Offer

On Friday (August 26th), my brother Tim was on the post with me, and spoke of a word he had recently received from the Lord. I want to pick up on a portion of it today. He said there was coming a stronger merger of the two realms of Christ’s Kingdom - the natural and spiritual (or, we might say, the earthly and heavenly). This would result in new levels and manifestations of the Kingdom of God. Tim shared:

“Now begins a merger that will accelerate a new era Pentecost. Power and Kingdom authority will be seen on earth as never before. We have been prophesying this for a long time, and Holy Spirit says, ‘The merger is now occurring. Glory presence will now fill prepared territories, regions, and nations.’

“I’m assuming the Ekklesias are getting traction in these places. I also heard Holy Spirit say, ‘Surge after surge of the King’s manifest presence will spawn sudden miracles. The enemies of the Kingdom will be disoriented and will fight each other, resulting in freedoms decreed by King Jesus and His Ekklesia. This will be assisted by My angel armies, for I will surely release My mighty ones to labor with you; My mighty angels are moving into the earth realm.’

“This is the season we are entering now, a ‘merger’ of God’s glory and high-ranking angels partnering with the Ekklesia. The glory of God is going to amp up in certain regions and territories in such a way that it will spawn miracles and breakthroughs. I believe we are moving NOW - not years from now - into a season of suddenlies. Sudden strikes of high-ranking angels, under Holy Spirit’s supervision, fueled by the decrees of a functioning Ekklesia.

“Dr. Jim Hodges [Tim’s and my spiritual father] was with us a few weeks ago and preached a great word, as usual. Then he began to pray and prophesy. As he did, I felt a shift!

“Dutch, you and I are old enough to know how cars with standard transmissions and stick shifts operate. You use a clutch when shifting gears. Sometimes if the clutch is bad or the gears aren’t perfectly synchronized, the gears grind as an attempt is made to engage them. As Jim prayed, I felt that we were ‘grinding’ into gear, then we fully shifted.

“I feel the Ekklesia as a whole is shifting into another gear. Holy Spirit is changing things, prophetic words are about to come to pass, and powerful angels are being released. Something has shifted, and we are moving into another gear.”

When speaking with Tim on Friday, I referenced a similar experience I had several years ago. I was worshiping and heard the sound of gears grinding. This was obviously not something I was hearing literally, but supernaturally in the spiritual realm. When I asked Holy Spirit what I was hearing, he said, “I’m trying to shift the church into another season.” He knew that by using this mechanical analogy, I would immediately understand what He was saying. Due to ignorance, uncertainty, resistance, hesitancy, etc., many in the church were resisting the shift/change.

I’m sure there are those who would disagree with my contention that Holy Spirit was being hindered from shifting the church. They would contend that Holy Spirit could shift the body of Christ into a new season whenever He so desired. However, I would remind them of Israel, when they were delivered from Egypt, and Jerusalem during the time of Christ’s life on earth. Both generations were unable to shift fully into the next season and consequently became stuck in the previous one. This not only hindered them from receiving blessing, but also stalled their destiny.

How do we position ourselves to shift into a new season? What can hinder this? We must look carefully at these questions. Today and the next couple of days, I want to teach some on how to shift into the new. The first step is to recognize and embrace the opportunity.

John 5:1-9 tells the story of a paralyzed man healed by Jesus. It was believed by the Jews of the day that an angel periodically stirred the waters of the pool named Bethesda, located at the Sheep Gate, and the first person into the water was healed. The actual Greek text makes it difficult to discern if this angelic activity and the miraculous results actually occurred, but it is certainly clear that the people of the day believed it. At the Pool, Jesus approached a man who had been in a paralyzed condition for 38 years and asked what seemed like a strange question: “Do you truly long to be well?” (John 5:6 TPT). The man’s answer revealed that although he was waiting at the pool, he really had no hope of being healed. “I have no one to help me into the water and someone else always gets there first.”

I believe Jesus asked the paralytic this question to point out that his hope was misplaced. Although he was waiting for the miraculous stirring of the pool, Yahweh was the source of the mercy he needed. A couple of feet and only seconds away from experiencing the new, just moments from total restoration, the man wasn’t able to recognize it. With misplaced faith and incredible hope-deferred, there was nothing within him that could respond with hope to Jesus’ question.

The symbolism of this passage is stark. Bethesda means “house of lovingkindness or mercy.” The Sheep Gate next to it was where the lambs used for the sacrifices were brought into the Temple. Five, the number of porticoes around the pool, is the biblical number of grace. Putting these meanings and facts into the story paints the picture of Christ, THE Passover Lamb, entering our fallen, hopeless world to give us grace and mercy. Jesus came to bring wholeness and health to the “diseased” human race.

This disabled man was staring at THE Lamb Himself, God’s gift of grace, the fulfillment of what everything around him pictured, yet didn’t realize it. An incredible opportunity, his kairos moment, had arrived, but he was too hopeless to recognize it.

We must stay in faith and listen carefully to Holy Spirit - “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” (Revelation 2:7) - in order to recognize the timing for God’s shifts. Reader’s Digest told of the late Harvey Penick: In the 1920s, Penick bought a red spiral notebook and began jotting down observations about golf. He never showed the book to anyone other than his son until 1991, when he shared it with a local writer and asked if he thought it was worth publishing. The man read it and told him yes. The writer presented it to Simon and Schuster, then left word with Penick’s wife the next evening that they had agreed to an advance of $90,000!

When the writer told Penick, the golfing expert seemed troubled. Finally, Penick came clean. With all his medical bills, he said, there was no way he could advance Simon & Schuster that much money. The writer had to explain that Penick would be the recipient of the $90,000!

His first golf book, Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book, sold more than a million copies, one of the biggest best-sellers in the history of sports books. His second book And If You Play Golf, You’re My Friend, sold nearly three-quarters of a million. (1)

Whether it be book writing, physical miracles, or the salvation of a loved one, we sometimes live in the waiting stage so long that it becomes difficult to believe in God’s mercy when it is offered. Listen with faith! When God says it is time to shift, be ready to accept the offer.

Pray with me:

Father, thank You for moving us from glory to glory, strength to strength, and faith to faith. You are not a stagnant God! And You said there would be no end to the increase of Christ’s Kingdom (Isaiah 9:6-7). We are confident of this, our faith in You is strong.

You have also spoken through prophetic voices that a new merger of Your glory, angelic warriors, and an empowered Ekklesia is coming. We determine now to participate in this. We will shift with You. We won’t miss it. We ask You for an infusion of strength, revelation, and power to shift us into this new season.

We ask You for the miracles spoken of. We ask for the suddenlies. We ask for strong outpourings of your Spirit to spring up. We ask for an increase of prophetic anointing to discern and hear clearly what You are doing. And we ask that the fruit of this will be the rescue of millions of hearts around the world. Give us the billion soul harvest we have been hearing of in the spirit.

We know that the shaking, here and elsewhere, is not finished. Continue to dismantle evil systems and render ineffective those who oppose You. We take the keys of Your kingdom now and bind every attempt to stop this divine shift, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that we will shift into the new season being offered and experience the dynamic merging of heaven and earth.

Portions of today’s post were taken from my book God’s Timing for Your Life.

Click on the links below to watch the full video.


  1. Adaped from: Edward K. Rowell, Fresh Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Christianity Today, 1997), p 100.


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