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August 29, 2019

The United States of America Officially Chooses Life!

An Open Letter from Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex M. Azar, II, to governments represented in the United Nations:

The United States appreciates our longstanding partnership in many global health areas. As a key priority in global health promotion, we respectfully request that your government join the United States in ensuring that every sovereign state has the ability to determine the best way to protect the unborn and defend the family as the foundational unit of society vital to children thriving and leading healthy lives. We remain gravely concerned that aggressive efforts to reinterpret international instruments to create a new international right to abortion and to promote international policies that weaken the family have advanced through some United Nations fora. Evidence of this is found in references throughout many multilateral global health policy documents to interpret “comprehensive sexuality education” and “sexual and reproductive health” and “sexual and reproductive health and rights” to diminish the role of parents in the most sensitive and personal family-oriented issues. The latter has been asserted to mean promotion of abortion, including pressuring countries to abandon religious principles and cultural norms enshrined in law that protect unborn life. These approaches undermine our shared commitment to sustainable development and to achieving health for all, leaving no one behind. Efforts to advance such harmful policies in multilateral settings where global health policy is debated and set, like the United Nations and affiliated bodies such as the World Health Organization, are disturbing and must be challenged. They take the focus off real health issues and import policy debates that should be handled at the national, sub-national, or community level. Furthermore, we are disappointed that the tone of these debates is increasingly divisive, diminishing the focus on shared global health priorities. Given this, we were gratified that at the 2019 World Health Assembly, a broad and diverse coalition of members states (Brazil, Egypt, Ghana, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and the United States) came together to deliver a joint statement calling on nations to advance positive women’s health programs and initiatives in line with the sustainable development goals, but stating unequivocally that ambiguous terms and expressions cause confusion and have become associated with anti-family and pro-abortion policies. Countries on the joint statement represent more than one billion people, and we have every confidence more countries could join this worthy effort. We have three specific requests as your government considers partnering with the United States and other countries in this effort. First, please consider joining a joint statement being developed for the U.N. General Assembly High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage similar to the one used at the World Health Assembly. If you are interested in doing so, then please instruct your diplomats and Health Attachés in New York and Geneva to collaborate with the United States and our allies on the development and presentation of this joint statement and to work together to achieve an outcome document from the High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage this fall that reflects our shared values. Finally, please encourage other countries in your region to join this growing coalition to push back against harmful efforts to interpret long-standing international instruments as requiring anti-family and pro-abortion policies and to promote proactively positions that will protect families and strengthen the health of all people. Thank you for considering these specific requests. Working together, we can ensure a lasting and positive global health legacy for our nations and our children.


Michael R. Pompeo and Alex M. Azar II

“Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’ So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.” (Genesis 1:26-27, 31; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Worship the Lord and thank Him for putting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar in office for such a time as this!

  2. Thank the Lord that our nation, the United States of America, is leading the way to institute a culture of Life, protecting the unborn and defending the family in the nations of the earth.

  3. Declare, “Other countries will join this growing coalition, led by the United States of America, to push back against harmful efforts to interpret long-standing international instruments as requiring anti-family and pro-abortion policies and to promote proactively positions that will protect life, protect families, and strengthen the health of all people.”

  4. Thank Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and post a prayer for him here.

  5. Thank Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar and post a prayer for him here.

A prayer you can pray:

(Please read through the posted letter and pray as the Lord leads you to pray for the acceptance and alignment of the nation over the issue of Life. Also, pray through the prayer points above.)

Today’s decree:

The United States will continue to lead the nations in the protection of life for the unborn!

Learn more about Secretary of State Mike Pompeo here. Learn more about Secretary of State Alex Azar here.


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