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August 16, 2018

Preparing for the Esther Fast for the Supreme Court on 8/18/18

“In 1857, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a tragic decision in the Dred Scott v Sanford case that seemingly sealed the fate of slaves in America. In spite of powerful spiritual awakenings, we failed to end the bloodshed of slavery. Catastrophe followed and new estimates show 750,000 lives were lost on the battlefields of the Civil War. We believe the same implications of God’s justice still stand today.” In the case of Roe v Wade, it appeared that the fate of untold millions of babies were sealed (more than 60 million to date)—they would be lost to abortion. To prevent more precious lives lost, God wants us to humble ourselves in national fasting and repentance and bring this to Him. “In essence, He is saying, ‘If you don’t deal with it in your courts, I’ll deal with it in Mine.’” (Lou Engle)1

“Listen to me, my people; and hear me, my nation: for a law will go out from me, and I will establish my justice for a light to the peoples. My righteousness is near. My salvation has gone out, and my arms will judge the peoples.” (Isaiah 51:4-5a; WEB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Write today’s decree on a piece of paper and hold it up to the Lord. Say, “Together with thousands of other Believers today, I am bringing Roe v Wade to Your Court, and we expect a reversal! Thank you, Lord!”

  2. Tell the Lord in your own words how you feel about abortion. Cry out against it.

  3. First, find God’s heart of compassion, then intercede for all those whose lives have been touched by the effects of Roe v Wade: women who have chosen to abort a child, parents who encouraged abortion, men who have fathered children and encouraged the mother to abort the child. Pray for doctors who performed abortions, together with all of their staff members. Also, pray for pastors, educators and doctors who have encouraged abortion.

A prayer you can pray:

(Write today’s decree on a piece of paper and hold it up to the Lord.) God, together with thousands of other Believers today, I am bringing Roe v Wade to Your Court, and we expect a reversal! Thank you, Lord! I cry out against abortion! (Tell the Lord in your own words how you feel about abortion.) Grant me Your grace of compassion for all of those who have had abortion touch their lives. Because the U.S. Supreme Court decided abortion should be legal in America, the enemy has fooled so many into thinking that it really is okay. Women, even Christian women, have suffered abortion. Draw them to Your loving forgiveness, Lord. Let their bodies, minds, and emotions be healed. Bring to repentance and deliver the fathers, would-be-grandparents, doctors, pastors, educators, and all others who have participated in this sin. Jesus, wash this curse away, and all the effects of this bloodshed off our nation. Thank you for your healing of our nation, amen.

Today’s decree:

We are bringing Roe v Wade to God’s Court and we expect a reversal!

1 Learn more about Lou Engle here.


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