Let the Army of God Rise Up!
There is a great Army rising up. After a decade or so of quiet desperation in the Church in this nation, smothered under the oppression of political correctness, there is a stirring. An awakening is occurring. Men and women with the nature of Jehoshaphat are rising up. Men and women that have been paying attention to what is going on in this nation. Feeling like they had no voice, except in prayer, this Army is ready to engage the enemy in the public square. They are readying actions, educational materials, legislation, and court cases that will flip this nation over until righteousness reigns in this land!
“The Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the earlier ways of his father David. He did not seek the Baals, but sought the God of his father and walked in his commandments, and not according to the practices of Israel. Therefore the Lord established the kingdom in his hand.” (2 Chronicles 17:3-5a; ESV)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Pray for an anointing of boldness to fall upon the Church.
Ask God to break hope-deferred off the Body of Christ and show each member of this holy Army how deeply He loves them.
Cry out for prayer movements to rise up in every sphere of society across the entire nation—in government offices, in places of business, in schools and community centers—everywhere!
Raise up evangelists who will share Christ with many and increase the Army.
Stir Your people to move in the gifts, callings and creativity You have placed within us, so that we boldly bring forth what is needed for Kingdom-expansion in the nation now!
A prayer you can pray:
God, give the body of Christ a boldness to stand for You. Let them know whose they are and what Your plan is for their life. We ask for encouragement to come. Break hope-deferred off of this Army. Let life be breathed by the Spirit into each one. Let the Army rise up as the Breath of Life is breathed into them. Let prayer movements rise up everywhere. Let not one area of society be forgotten. Show each one how loved they are. Let the evangelists be found and be released to find the lost. We pray that the Church would walk in great exploits! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Today’s decree:
God is raising up a bold, loved and loving, creative, praying, Kingdom-expanding Army to flip this nation over and bring Glory to His Name!