Decreeing the Captives Free
[At the end of last month, I was sent on a prayer journey by the Lord. Directions for it came from a couple of dreams that were sent to me. I started this series on April 13th, so if you want to go back and get caught up, you can. This will take a few days, so keep following here to get it all. It will tie right into what’s going on in the nation right now, which we didn’t know what was coming when the dreams were given.]
Here’s the second part of the dream that led me on the prayer journey:
She (the dreamer) then said, “My noticing some specific scenes in the dream seemed to be significant: The gun that Washington was holding was pointing toward the southwest and then the statue would pivot. I don’t know how far around it could pivot, but I knew it could go from northwest to southwest, because I saw it moving those directions.” She went on, “Under the front legs of the statue of the rearing horse, was Dutch Sheets.” (Yeah, I knew again, I’m gonna have to go. This is more than symbolic. I just knew it as I read it. So I have to go to Valley Forge and I have to go to Washington, D.C.) Then she said, “I don’t know who he was talking to, but he turned while standing under the horse of Washington. He turned to his right and said, ‘It’s time.’ It was like what he was about to do had been reserved for a specific time—the time of the cherry blossoms.”
She concluded, “There was a huge megaphone that appeared about the size of a three or four story building. I knew Dutch couldn’t lift that up, but all of a sudden there was a group of people surrounding or aligning the megaphone. They picked it up and held it on their shoulders, and put it to Dutch’s mouth as he stood under the statue. Then he faced and spoke in whatever direction the gun in Washington’s hand was pointed. When the gun moved, Dutch moved, and the megaphone was turned to accommodate him, as the people would carry it. Dutch began to release decrees. I don’t know what the exact decrees were, but they had power in them. The power was not coming from Dutch, but it was powerful when he released the decrees.”
Notice that they put the megaphone in the dream on their shoulders, which symbolizes government. And the Ekklesia is God’s government on earth. When Jesus said, “I’ll build my Ekklesia or Church,” He wasn’t talking about a building. He was talking about a legislature. To the Romans and to the Greeks in that day, the Ekklesia was a legislature or a governing body. So Jesus said, “I’m giving you keys or authority to bind and loose.” Those were government terms, and they were judicial terms. He was saying, “You’re going to be my governing agency, the governing arm of my kingdom. I’ll give you the keys to the kingdom and you’re going to bind and loose for Me. You’re going to operate in My name (or in My authority), and you will be my legislative group on the Earth.” So this was not just a dream about me. It was about His praying army. A group of people were there with me. It was about the Ekklesia, the Body of Christ, that understands that we’re each to do our part. So, even though I made the decrees in the dream, we’re all going to make these decrees.
“You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; and light will shine on your ways.” (Job 22:28; NASB)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Call for the Ekklesia to increase in number and authority!
Say, “The power of the Church is in the fullness of the Body of Christ!” Mean it.
God is doing something in the west. I have specifically seen southern California. Intercede over those parts of the west that He shows you. Name cities by name and make decrees over them, as led by the Holy Spirit.
Now, swing your thoughts across the coast from Washington state south and intercede over the states and cities the Lord shows you. Make decrees as he leads.
See the captives being set free. See the blind eyes opening and the stupor breaking off people. See the harvest coming in!
A prayer you can pray:
God, we call for the full Ekklesia to rise up. Just like in Horton Hears a Who, we need every member on the wall interceding, declaring and decreeing into the atmosphere of this nation. We say, “The power of the Church is in the fullness of the Body of Christ!” We call for those in the Lutheran Church, the Methodist Church, and the Baptist Church. We call forth the true Believers in the Catholic Church and the Episcopal Church. We call the Ekklesia out of every church, every denomination. We are all needed in this hour. The harvest is ripe and we call for the laborers. We need intercessors and evangelists, teachers and pastors. We need to get on the wall together and get it finished.
[Intercede as described above for the western part of the United States. Now, swing your thoughts across the coast from Washington state to southern California and intercede over the states and cities the Lord shows you. Make decrees as he leads. I think He will show each of us different things.] Lord, we call for the captives. We call for the harvest. We call for those meant to join us as Your beautiful Bride. Let none be missing. Don’t let the enemy hold any of them back. We want them! We need them! Give us the harvest of the west, in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Today’s decree:
The Ekklesia will decree what the Lord says over America, and America shall be saved!