God Out of the Box
If you can tell me what He’s going to do next, you’re in trouble! When He starts to move, nobody really has Him figured out. You can’t fit God in a box. He can do things any way He wants to. You think He’s coming in a chariot and He comes on a donkey! “Begin to agree with Me,” says the Lord. “The hour you have cried out for is here. The harvest you have travailed for is coming in. I am doing it!”
“Our God is in heaven! He does whatever he pleases!” (Psalm 115:13; NET)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Ask the Lord to forgive you if you have preferred to have Him in a nice neat box—predictable and well-behaved. He will not act according to our rules!
Pray Job 38 back to Him and remind yourself just exactly who our all-powerful, sovereign God is! He is wild and wonderful and works miracles in surprising ways!
Thank Him for the harvest of souls and that this magnificent One chooses to work in and through you!
A prayer you can pray:
Dear Lord, forgive me when I have wanted You to be predictable. Forgive me when I have expected You to be a gentleman and do things in ways that are comfortable for me. I want to see You the way You want to show Yourself to me and to the world around me. As I read Job 38, recalibrate my mind and my heart to expect You to show up in unexpected ways! You truly do not need man to help You reap this great harvest of souls, but You want us to be Your friends and participate in Your plan together with You. I’m in, Lord! In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Today’s decree:
I release God from whatever box I have tried to keep Him in! Come in the fullness of Your power, Lord! Let’s reap this harvest!