Father in heaven, thank you for deploying your heavenly host to watch and guard the water ways and dams of Aquidneck Island and the rest of the State of Rhode Island. We say, Rhode Island, no weapon formed against your oceans, bays, dams, lakes, streams, brooks, rivers, harbors, water tanks, water treatment facilities and resevoirs shall prosper. You and protected by the blood of Jesus and the Lord of Angel Armies. You shall continue to provide food, drink, transportation, commerce, completion of military/coast guard assignments and recreation to the citizens, stationed military personnel and visitors to Rhode Island without assault from agents foreign or domestic and
the kingdom of darkness..
We say cease and desist in your maneuvers against the waterways and dams of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in the mighty name of Jesus! You are bound and blocked from any evil operation against our dams and water ways! In Jesus name!