Friday, March 1, 2024 ~ Reactivated prayers, declarations and prayed in the spirit (tongues) and worshiped during my entire drive, and at stops; took communion at each site. Stopped at publicly accessible stops along the way in cities mentioned above, and at Mississippi Point Park, Elm Creek Dam, Cloquet Island Scenic Overlook, and two other stops (don't recall all the names and discovered some photos didn't turn out). Prayers, declarations, and the Word was released. His Word will not fall void but will accomplish what it is intended to accomplish.
Highlight: Visited with a woman at a gas station. Asked how I could pray for her. Bad hip pain for a while. Before praying, shared my healing testimony, Scripture, and then prayed. The power of His word was released. I felt it being released (but I know His Word works regardless of if I feel anything). His love never fails. She had customers and had to go. I give Him all the glory.
