3 min

November 17, 2020

Today’s Give Him 15 is taken from an article by Jane Hamon.

A Time for Prophetic Positioning – Engage! (Part 1)

“We recognize the media has ‘called’ the presidential race for Joe Biden and are calling for President Trump to concede. At the same time, there are those in the church world who are calling for prophets to repent for ‘missing it’ by declaring Donald Trump would have a second term. We believe both of these statements to be premature as the election is still in process with legal challenges and ballot counting. Indeed, there has been a preponderance of prophetic words about a Trump victory, some going back to 2012 and 2014, from various prophetic camps throughout the U.S. and around the world. This should not be so easily dismissed. In addition, Chuck Pierce prophesied to Dutch Sheets in October 2018 that the battle in the 2020 election would take us to January 18, 2021!

“In 2012, a fireman named Mark Taylor had an encounter with the Lord in which God showed him that the businessman, Donald Trump, would be the next president of the United States. He also claimed the Lord said Trump would serve two terms. In 2014, the South African prophet Kim Clement prophesied that the next president would be hot blooded and that during his presidency they would cry, ‘Impeach, Impeach;’ God, however, would say, ‘Nay!.’ He had previously indicated who this president would be when he declared, ‘Trump will be my trumpet.’ In Clement’s 2014 prophecy, the Lord declared Trump would serve two terms.

“I refer specifically to these two prophecies among the hundreds of prophecies, dreams, and visions that are out there, because both prophetically predicted a Trump presidency that would serve two terms.

“In January 2020, I had a vision in which Jesus placed a white stone in my hand and the hands of other believers. I then saw Him approach President Trump and place a white stone in his hand. Jesus then closed His fingers around the stone, looked the President in the eye and nodded, as if to say, ‘I’ve got this.’ Later, as I studied the symbolism of the white stone given to the champion or overcomer of Revelation 2:17, I found that a white stone signified three things in the Greek culture: an acquittal in a trial, a ‘yes’ vote in an election, and a prize given to the winner of an athletic contest. When given to the winner of an athletic event, the stone became an access pass to venues previously not open to that individual. I had no idea the white stone signified these things when I had the vision. After finding this, however, I deduced God was declaring Trump would be acquitted in his impeachment, given God’s yes vote in the election, and would emerge as the champion.”

Give Him 15 Minutes in Prayer:

· Remind yourself of the prophecies that Donald Trump would be President for two terms.

· Remember that God has also said this will be intensely fought.

· Renew your decision to stand firm and tell the Lord you are aligning yourselves with His words and will.

· Take courage from the vision of Jane’s in which Christ gave President Trump a white stone. Clay Nash also had a dream where I (Dutch) gave President Trump a white stone! Thank Him for these two confirming words and determine to hold fast to them.

A Prayer You Can Pray:

Lord, we thank You for the many words received from You, letting us know Your will in this matter. We stand on this. We refuse to take our cue or instructions from the media, political parties, or other individuals. We believe You placed President Trump in office, and we believe You promised two terms. We stand on this.

Lord, we want only fair and just elections in America. We do not believe that is what has occurred in this election. We are asking You to correct this by exposing all election fraud! Move on individuals with evidence and proof to come forth. Convict political leaders to do what is right, even if it goes against his or her party. Give the President’s team—advisors, attorneys, and all involved in recounts and investigations—wisdom, understanding, and strength. Rule in the courts and over the judges. Give our President strength, and a very strong connection to You. Use this time to transform him into the man after Your heart.

We thank you for these things, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


All election fraud will be exposed and corrected!

(Learn more about Jane Hamon here .)