4 min

June 10, 2020

Seeing Current Events From God’s Heavenly Perspective

“The Lord spoke some things to me right around the National Day of Prayer in 2019. He spoke to me about 2019 and into 2020 and beyond. He gave me a vision that helped me see from heaven’s perspective and from a place of discernment. We need to see what is the Lord doing, what is the enemy doing, and what is our role. In this vision, I saw the Lord at various locations in the U.S. I saw Him at the place of original covenant, along the East coast, down into Texas, up into the Heartland, over into California, and then up into the Pacific Northwest and back across to Washington, D.C.

“He said, ‘During a 5-year period of time, there will be historic movements that no one has expected to see. There will be historic exposures that no one has seen – historic exposures of corruption.’ When I say, ‘historic corruption’, I don’t just mean ‘people who are doing corrupt things’. That is going to happen. But, I am talking about evil schemes of the enemy. These are things deeply rooted in our nation that still need healing. Wherever the Holy Spirit went, it caused a shaking. It caused chaos and confusion. I even saw fires in the midst of this vision.

“I saw that in the midst of this, the gavel of justice would come down. Everything the enemy meant for harm – the corrupt structures, prejudice, racism, and other deep-rooted things – He will turn it to fulfill His Divine purposes. This isn’t just for the United States. This is about nations. He said, ‘Do not be surprised when you see more revealed, more shaking, more chaos, and more confusion. I am exposing it all from My perspective to deal with it and to bring cleansing and purity. I am bringing healing and wholeness in these areas. I have placed you in a five-year period of grace and awakening.’

“When we think ‘grace’, we think things are going to be peaceful and joyful in the midst of it. In reality, grace is flowing, because God is not causing this. These things are happening as evil is unleashed, but His Glory is being revealed as in Isaiah 60, ‘Arise, shine, for your light has come and the Glory of the Lord has risen on you.’ That Glory is increasing, therefore that darkness is being exposed. If we keep looking at that passage of scripture, we see that His Glory continues to increase. Deep darkness covers the earth and the people, but the Glory shall be seen on His people. Nations and kings will come to the brightness of His Glory.” (Rebecca Greenwood)

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:1-3; NIV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. We must have a strategy for prayer and action from God’s perspective. Ask God to help you see strategically.

  2. The Vision related above was given for the Body of Christ, highlighting specific places in the nation, so that we have understanding on how to pray. Think about your area. How is it being impacted by the enemy and by the Lord? How are you or other leaders showing you to pray right now over your area? How are you praying over the nation?

  3. We are in a global reset to reap His harvest. Intercede against the effects of any recoiling of the enemy to strike again in different ways. Pray this will not stop the movement of the Church to get the harvest in, but rather that things boomerang back against the originating principalities.

  4. Call for the Glory of the Lord to fill the whole earth!

  5. Declare, “Full exposure! Full justice! Full dethroning of what these principalities have intended.”

A prayer you can pray:

Father, thank You for showing the prophets what is happening from Your heavenly perspective. This is a good reminder and example for me, prompting me to seek You for Your perspective. There is no way to figure all of this out in the natural. It must be spiritually discerned. A plan for spiritual warfare must come from Your leading and not from my own earthly processing. Show me the area I live in. Let me see what You intend and how the enemy has come in to cause chaos and distraction. Show me how the enemy’s attacks are causing exposures. What is being exposed? What actions and intercession must follow to minister to the harvest that the chaos reveals?

Show me how to pray for America. Show me how to intercede for the nations of the earth. You are revealing the sons of God. You are revealing the activities of the enemy, which cause Your Glory to shine in the earth, so that the darkness can no longer run and hide. I ask You for maximum Glory and maximum grace! Full exposure! Full justice! Full dethroning of what these principalities have intended. Let the fullness of the Glory of God fill the earth in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Today’s decree:

We say God’s Glory and His justice are coming down , so we can reap the greatest global harvest the world has ever seen!

Learn more about Rebecca Greenwood here.