2 min

July 23, 2018

Separation of Church and State—Really?

I don’t think the judges in America who espouse to the “separation clause”* and its erroneous meaning really believe that. They are either pathetically ignorant or they are willingly distorting what the Constitution really says. Or, they are misinformed or deceptive and disingenuous. I don’t really think they are ignorant—they have had too much education. I believe they know exactly, precisely, where that phrase came from. I believe they know it is not in the Constitution. I believe they know the context that Jefferson was speaking from when he wrote the letter that the distortion has come from. I don’t think it makes any difference to them that they know what it means. It has come to a point where they are a law unto themselves. They are taking their own ideology and trying to force it down the throat of the American people. Some of them have one mission and one mission only—to remove God from every facet of American life.

“Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: Return to Me,’ declares the LORD of hosts, ‘that I may return to you, says the Lord of hosts.’” (Zechariah 1:3; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Say to the Lord, “Return to us, Lord! Return to our government! Return to our courts! Return to our classrooms! Return to the marketplace! Return to our city councils and state legislatures! Return, Lord, return!”

  2. Tell the enemy to stop using ungodly men and women to try to tell us what the Constitution says.

  3. Tell the enemy to stop using men and women who are ignorant of God’s ways to tell us what is right and wrong!

  4. Command the Church to stop forming their way of thinking according to the political spirit and the pleasing of man. God’s way is to save sinful man!

A prayer you can pray:

We will return to You, Lord! Return to us! Return to our government! Return to our courts! Return to our classrooms! Return to the marketplace! Return to our city councils and state legislatures! Return, Lord, return! Fix this mess we are in! Satan, we declare a cease and desist order against you to stop using justices who don’t know God as their mouthpieces. We say that they will stop declaring lies and wickedness as if they are truths. The Church will stop listening to those who say good is evil and evil is good. Our moral foundation is in Christ and His Word alone. We ask for the salvation of the souls of those lost judges, Jesus. Then, everything will change! Amen.

Today’s decree:

America will turn to God!

*“Establishment clause” refers to the First Amendment’s statement about the separation of church and state. Read more here.