3 min

January 18, 2019

National March for Life – “Unique From Day One”

The National March for Life will take place today in Washington, D.C, and in other cities across America. Get more information here. Here is an excerpt from the blog regarding this year’s theme, “Unique From Day One”:

“Being pro-life is not in opposition to science. It’s quite the opposite in fact! Medical and technological advancements continue to reaffirm the science behind the pro-life cause – that life begins at fertilization, or day one, when egg meets sperm and a new, unique, human embryo is created. From the moment of fertilization, our DNA is present, whether it’s 23 pairs of chromosomes or 22. The unique fingerprint that each of us has – distinguishing us from any other human on the planet, is determined by that DNA at day one! Right from the beginning of life, you are becoming the unique, incredible, unrepeatable person that you are. There is an abundance of scientific resources supporting the pro-life cause. Be sure to check out all that we have compiled below! So why does this theme matter? To summarize, science is on the side of life. When life begins and the stages of prenatal development are scientific facts. Humanity – and our uniqueness as individuals – begins at day one, at fertilization. Life, in its most vulnerable form, should be protected. That, in essence, is why we march. We march to end abortion, with the vision of a world where the beauty, dignity, and uniqueness of every human life are valued and protected.”

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:13-16; NLT)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. If you still have time to join the March for Life near you today, go! Here is where they will be held.

  2. Pray for the National March for Life, even if you are not able to join one today. Pray for safety for the marchers and their families, and peace and grace over them.

  3. You can get daily emails that cover the March for Life through February 1st. These will help us pray in unity for the ending of abortion. Click here to get them and other prayer resources for Life!

  4. Ask God for this peaceful protest to reverberate in the heavens, blocking the killing of our nation’s children—our future.

  5. Intercede for those seeking abortions today. Pray that God intervenes to touch hearts and turn many back at the “gates”.

  6. Decree that abortion will end in America! Decree that all public funding will be cut off and our nation will wash its hands of this horrific practice.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I praise You, for You make each and every one of us so carefully designed to carry out Your plans and purposes. We are uniquely gifted and talented and we look exactly the way You want us to look. We are perfect in Your eyes. Make us perfect to one another. Forgive those parents who decide to abort their children. Remove the sin of abortion from our land completely! We say that public funding is cut off from the abortion industry. We declare that the United States of America chooses life! We bless the March for Life. We pray that You would cover every participant today. Keep them and their family members safe. Let the peace and the grace over the marchers be a huge “shout” in the heavenlies! Let it drive the enemy back. He can rant and rave, but abortion is going to end in America! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Today’s decree:

America chooses Life for our unborn!