4 min

December 30, 2022

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory!

Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day!

Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments.

However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well!

My friend, Chuck Pierce, sent the following prophetic prayer. The title is:


Speak Into Your Future!

Chuck begins by saying,

“We are entering into an incredible year, so I thank God for what Dutch Sheets and his ministry is doing to lead us in prayers and decrees.

“I want to lead us in a prayer for the entire year ahead. We have entered a war for divine recovery. How you speak into your future, is how the Lord will manifest. This year is also about opening up the way - new paths - for God’s provision!”

Chuck’s prayer: “Father, we ask You to return us to the level of authority You gave the Church initially. We decree that we will recuperate and regain what has been lost, taken or captured. We decree that we will reclaim lands that have become “waste structures.” We decree we will become well and overcome weaknesses.

“We ask You to deliver people from troubled states of mind - hope deferred, confusion, fear, and unbelief. We ask You to give us new states of mind, where the Word will begin to refresh our thoughts and restore our faith. We also ask that the wounds of betrayal from the past season break off those who have been betrayed.

“We decree that old cycles in which some are trapped will break, that they will come into a whole new identity. Father, we ask You to remove trauma that has become embedded in their cells and thinking processes. We ask that in any way our spirits have been distressed in the last season, You break the power of that vexation. Cause us to leap into our future! We ask that we will be known as a joyful, faith-filled people, capable of representing Your Kingdom.

“We also ask You to give us new seer gifts. This is a year pictured by Ezekiel’s prophetic ministry, so we ask You to open our eyes to see in ways we have never before seen. We also ask for a new watchman anointing, enabling us to watch for and discern that which is coming against us.

“Father, in our war for recovery and restoration, help us to overcome the dragon’s fiery breath and be empowered by the fire of Your Spirit. We ask You to rebuild altars that have either gone into decay, grown cold, or have fallen into waste.

“We thank You that we will have new sources of supply; we will pioneer new avenues for the Spirit’s supply into our future. We’ll dig new wells this year.

“We decree that any spirit ruling in our sphere of authority, such as Goliath or Baal, will begin to lose its grip on what we have authority over. Give us strategies to release what our enemies have held captive.

“Father, make the Ekklesia a united company this year; a mighty army that will rule for the future. Give us revelation regarding how to dethrone the devourer, and give us new opportunities to serve, speak, and change those around us that don’t know You. Give us inroads into new places.

“Finally, Father, we declare the release of Your Kingdom rule. Manifest Your Kingdom authority that resides within us, so that spirits, powers, and principalities ruling our government will begin to fall. Put Your decrees within us; when we decree Your will, it will happen. In Jesus’ name we pray these things.”

Father, as we move into the new year, we do so under the banner of the Cross, the provision of the New Covenant in Christ’s blood. As we partake of this bread that represents His body we proclaim the healing of our spirits, souls, and bodies; we proclaim the healing of our homes and families, and we proclaim the healing of our nations. (Take the bread)

As we drink the cup, we proclaim victory, deliverance, cleansing, and eternal life. We are saved from sin and death. We will walk in Christ’s freedom and victory; we will represent Him and His message of love, we will extend His salvation everywhere we go. We boldly declare Your promise that America shall be saved, and that revival is coming to the nations! (Drink the cup)

You can find out more about Chuck Pierce at gloryofzion.org.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.