2 min

December 2, 2018

Ending the Battle With Delay

“I heard the Lord roar loudly again. This time as He roared, I heard the declaration being made in the spirit, ‘All delay is broken! All delay is broken! Now,’ I decree, ‘Accelerate!’ As the Lord roared over the nation, I watched as His power and justice flowed from His mouth. All delays that were attempting to hinder the mighty extension of His Kingdom and plans were suddenly falling. They were suddenly crumbling. They were suddenly coming to nothing. He spoke again, ‘Where there has been a battle of delay, I now declare, “United States, accelerate further into your new day!”’ I could feel it in the atmosphere. The joyful expectation of the power of God being demonstrated in such significant ways across the nation is breaking delay.” (Lana Vawser)1

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life.” (Proverbs 13:12; NKJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Delay is a tactic the enemy uses to wear out the saints. It makes us want to give up. Stand up!

  2. Shout, “God says all delay is broken! Now!”

  3. Declare, “God says it is time to accelerate! Accelerate Your purposes in this nation, Lord! Accelerate Your purposes in me and my family! Accelerate the harvest!”

  4. Rejoice, rejoice rejoice!

A prayer you can pray:

God, I have felt like things were never going to happen. Even though I have been praying that breakthrough would come, or even be here now, I felt a hesitation, because the vision has tarried. I wanted my thinking to line up with Yours, and I couldn’t be sure of what You were doing. Well, now I hear the prophets saying that the delay is over! It wasn’t my imagination. We were in a season of delay. But, now You are saying that battle is over! Now! So, I say, let all things on God’s heart accelerate! Let the purposes of God for America accelerate! Let the purposes of God for me and my family accelerate! Let the harvesting of the lost accelerate! Hallelujah! It is acceleration time! Praise You, Jesus! Amen.

Today’s decree:

United States, accelerate further into your new day!

1 Learn more about Lana Vawser here.